Tackling Period Poverty
Periods are normal. They are not a choice. We all either have them, have had them, or know people who do. Periods are not just a ‘women’s issue’, they are not dirty, and they are definitely not something to be ashamed of. No-one should be disadvantaged because of their period. Everyone should have access to period products, as and when they are required, to use in a private space that is safe and dignified. (Welsh Government)
Tackling period poverty remains a priority for the government. A Period Proud Wales is a plan by the Welsh Government to achieve period dignity in Wales and eradicate period poverty. It will help to drive forward to make Wales a truly period proud nation and one that ensures everyone who needs products can access them without embarrassment or shame.
Carmarthenshire County Council, through the Welsh Government Period Dignity Grant are committed to tackling period poverty and are proud as a local authority to be providing those in need with free sanitary products.

Periods are normal. They are not a choice. We all either have them, have had them, or know people who do. Periods are not just a ‘women’s issue’, they are not dirty, and they are definitely not something to be ashamed of. No-one should be disadvantaged because of their period. Everyone should have access to period products, as and when they are required, to use in a private space that is safe and dignified. (Welsh Government)
Tackling period poverty remains a priority for the government. A Period Proud Wales is a plan by the Welsh Government to achieve period dignity in Wales and eradicate period poverty. It will help to drive forward to make Wales a truly period proud nation and one that ensures everyone who needs products can access them without embarrassment or shame.
Carmarthenshire County Council, through the Welsh Government Period Dignity Grant are committed to tackling period poverty and are proud as a local authority to be providing those in need with free sanitary products.
Who can access products?
There is support available for anyone who has a period, and we are committed to ensuring that all areas across the county are equipped to support you and provide you with free products.
Where can I get products?
All schools across the county have products to be able to distribute to those that have periods in a school setting. You can also collect your free period products from over 75 distribution points across the county, including our three-town centre Hwb’s. A full list of our Distribution Points can be found here.
What products are available?
There are a range of products available, to suit everyone’s needs – tampons, periods pants, day pads and night pads! The aim is to distribute a range of products, limiting the negative environmental impact of many disposable products i.e.re-usable and/or plastic free products.

Who can access products?
There is support available for anyone who has a period, and we are committed to ensuring that all areas across the county are equipped to support you and provide you with free products.
Where can I get products?
All schools across the county have products to be able to distribute to those that have periods in a school setting. You can also collect your free period products from over 75 distribution points across the county, including our three-town centre Hwb’s. A full list of our Distribution Points can be found here.
What products are available?
There are a range of products available, to suit everyone’s needs – tampons, periods pants, day pads and night pads! The aim is to distribute a range of products, limiting the negative environmental impact of many disposable products i.e.re-usable and/or plastic free products.
Community Organisations
If you are an Organisation, Project or Business in Carmarthenshire and would like to support the project by becoming a ‘Distribution Point’ then please contact us via email CommunityBureau@carmarthenshire.gov.uk or call 01269 590216.
'Bloody Brilliant'
Join Bloody Brilliant who are on a mission to empower those that have periods as well as those around them to be period proud - breaking the taboo and normalising periods. Find out everything you need to know about period pain, period products and even period food!
Carmarthenshire Youth Council
Carmarthenshire Youth Council act as "the voice of young people in Carmarthenshire" and aim to create opportunities for young people to become involved in decision making within the authority on matters such as period dignity. Visit Carmarthenshire Youth Council's website to find out how you can get involved.

Community Organisations
If you are an Organisation, Project or Business in Carmarthenshire and would like to support the project by becoming a ‘Distribution Point’ then please contact us via email CommunityBureau@carmarthenshire.gov.uk or call 01269 590216.
'Bloody Brilliant'
Join Bloody Brilliant who are on a mission to empower those that have periods as well as those around them to be period proud - breaking the taboo and normalising periods. Find out everything you need to know about period pain, period products and even period food!
Carmarthenshire Youth Council
Carmarthenshire Youth Council act as "the voice of young people in Carmarthenshire" and aim to create opportunities for young people to become involved in decision making within the authority on matters such as period dignity. Visit Carmarthenshire Youth Council's website to find out how you can get involved.