Energy efficiency

Page updated on: 03/05/2024

Making just a few simple changes around your home could make all the difference to your health and your pocket. Gas, electricity and water bills take up a big chunk of household spending, so it’s well worth thinking about ways to improve your home’s efficiency to make it more comfortable, and cheaper to run. Of course, you’ll also be helping to reduce your carbon footprint.

Simple ways to save on your energy bills

  • Turning your thermostat down by just one degree could save as much as £60 on your energy bills.
  • Fill unused space in your freezer with rolled newspaper
  • When cooking on a hob use just enough water to boil your food, and don’t have the flames licking up the side of the saucepan.
  • Draw your curtains at dusk
  • Switch the lights off in the rooms you don't utilise and use energy saving bulbs
  • Don't leave things on stand-by
  • Only fill and boil the kettle with the water you need
  • Use washing machines and dryers to full capacity unless you have half load settings
  • Don't leave taps dripping, especially hot water taps
  • Close doors to keep heat in rooms
  • Adjust the heating controls (see specific heating instructions) 21oc in living room 18oc elsewhere

More energy saving tips

  • Look for A, A+, A++ and A+++ rating on your new appliances to tell how energy efficient they are.
  • On a water meter? Why not invest in a water butt and use the water that it collects to water your garden or to wash your car?
  • If you have an old inefficient ‘G rated’ boiler, then you could cut your heating bill by a quarter if you replace the boiler with a new ‘A rated’ model with modern heating controls.
  • By replacing old draughty single glazed windows with new double glazing you could save as much £180 on your heating bill.
  • A family of four could save around £75 a year on water heating, as well as a further £90 on water bills if you have a water meter by changing the standard shower head for a water efficient version. If you have a mixer shower then you could fit a shower flow regulator, this is a simple device that can save £40 a year on your fuel bills and can be fitted to the shower hose with no specialist knowledge.
  • Is your loft insulated? The current standard depth of insulation in the loft is 270mm. If your insulation is not up to standard then you could be eligible for assistance to top it up either at a subsidised rate or for free though any of the big six utility companies. By insulating an un-insulated loft to 270mm then you could save £150 per year on your heating bills. Even if you top up from 100mm to 270mm you could save about £15 a year.
  • When your electricity or gas bill arrives make sure the readings on it are correct. If they are estimated then make sure that the utility companies are given the accurate readings as soon as possible.
